8 Key Points About Raw Data Files

There’s still a lot about DNA that we don’t know, and the ability to sequence more the of genome and gain access to raw data files hasn’t fixed that basic issue.

So, if you are going to download a raw data file from an at-home DNA test like 23andMe or AncestryDNA or a project like All of Us, here are eight key points to be aware of:

•       The responsibility for the security and privacy of the data is in your hands once you download the file

•       Raw data have not been validated (thus files can, and often do, contain errors)

•       Raw data generated by one company or study will typically differ from the next

•       Raw data generally include markers from only a small fraction of the entire genome

•       There are consistent issues recognized for certain markers in raw data files (i.e. false positives, also called miscalls)

•       There are additional problematic markers currently unknown, uncomfirmed, and/or unreported

•       A raw data file without a separate tool to analyze it is generally not useful

•       A finding in the raw data can be a “hint” in the right direction but is never the final answer

Raw data can be very useful for many purposes (I’m thinking mostly of genealogical purposes here), but there are limitations when you want to use it for health. This doesn't mean using raw data is of no benefit. Rather, it's better to know there are both benefits and limitations, and be aware of them as you move forward.

I’ve taken my own raw data to many different third-party tools and do this professionally as well. My "insider’s" view and experience with clients has given me a better understanding of raw data and how to make the best use of the data.

Check out more about raw data in some of my other blog postshere.



Parkinson's Disease and Genetic Testing - What You Need to Know


Raw Data: What is it?