Watershed DNA

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A New Podcast, the Bradley Hall Show

The month of June has been declared a month to recognize the experiences of those involved in an NPE “not parent expected” discovery. The onslaught of at-home DNA tests has made NPE discoveries so common that everyone seems to have a story to share about a revelation made by friends, family, or themself.

Libby Copeland’s book The Lost Family covers the NPE topic well, as do the blog posts and podcasts of trauma and life coach Bradley Hall.

I met Bradley in-person during an NPE Friends Fellowship trip last summer, and spoke with Bradley on his podcast this month on the most common FIRST question I am asked as a genetic counselor and DNA coach working with those in NPE situations. That first question is most commonly, “Could the DNA test be wrong?”

You can listen to my thoughts on why this is so, insights on the DNA test industry and ancestry test companies, and the rest of my discussion with Bradley (including a shout-out to the wonderful organization, NPE Friends Fellowship, who declared June NPE Awareness Month!) here:

Find the ebook I mention during the podcast here: "Could the DNA Test Be Wrong?" ebook

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