How to Find and Connect With Biological Family Using a DNA Test

(Graphic developed by Kaitlyn Short for Best Company) Read the full post at

(Graphic developed by Kaitlyn Short for Best Company)

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Recently, I was quoted in an article on Best Company by Kaitlyn Short where I give my advice on what steps to take when contacting a new DNA match. This article provides information on how to find and connect with biological family and is a great place to start for anyone who is just starting their DNA journey. Below is a brief summary on how you should contact your new match and what to expect during that time.

It is best to provide in the letter multiple ways for the recipient to respond because one person might feel more comfortable with texting while another one would prefer the phone. Remember to give the other DNA relative time to process, as for some this can be a huge shock and can even trigger grief or trauma. This can be a long process as every family situation is different. To read more helpful tips from Kaitlyn Short, follow this link here!


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