Genetic Counselors & You Podcast - A Conversation With Deepti Babu

Genetic Counselor Podcast

Earlier this year, I was a guest on the new Genetic Counselors & You Podcast. Fellow genetic counselor Deepti Babu and I discussed what to do if you unwrap a gift and discover it's a DNA test. Here’s a brief snippet from part of our conversation:

“Genetic counselors have privacy concerns, like many of the testers out there. We want to know, and we want you to know if you're going to have a test, who's going to have your information and what are they going to do with it. And another thing genetic counselors want people to be prepared for is the unexpected. What if you get news that you weren't expecting to find out about a genetic disease risk that you have?…are you prepared for the unexpected?”

Privacy concerns and preparation for the unexpected were only part of what we touched upon. Deepti and I also talked about all the advantages to at-home testing and how testers can use the results they get and maximize the benefit.

If you want to learn more about how to make the most of your DNA test holiday gift, take a listen today! Don’t have time to listen to the full episode? You can visit the NSGC’s website to download the transcript instead.

Stay tuned for a few other announcements soon related to podcasts! I have spoken with a few other podcasters recently and look forward to sharing our conversations.

-Brianne, Watershed DNA founder


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