Writing is Healing

Writing is Healing is a course to inspire the use of words as a means to heal. Find guidance and encouragement no matter your past experience.

What You’ll Get From “Writing is Healing”

  • Time for yourself

    We've designed Writing is Healing to encourage and inspire you on a time schedule that fits your life.

  • Freedom to try new things

    As you dive into the course content, we hope you'll feel free to explore and try out different techniques to find news ways to heal through writing.

  • Virtual support

    Find and share encouragement and support with fellow students during our once-a-month live Zoom calls! We'll check in on your progress and break-throughs.

  • Encouragement to look inward

    We know self-discoveries can change the way we live in the world and interact with others. Spend the time you need to look inward, and everyone in your world benefits.

Why DNA Family Discoveries Lead to a Need for Healing

  • Who Is Affected?

    DNA surprise discoveries are a watershed event, sending ripples throughout a family. Those who are immediately involved in the discovery (the person who learns that their father is not biologically related to them, for example) see the biggest upset to their understanding of their past and self. Your identity is based on the past, and what you have taken for granted about your life and truth. A DNA discovery upsets the truth and forces a change to the way you perceive yourself and others. Pain, anger, clarity, and relief---all of these are common reactions. Siblings, discovered biological fathers, spouses, children, and friends—even genealogists and search angels involved in making shocking discoveries—find it hard to make an adjustment back to life as it was "before" an unexpected discovery.

    When everyone is supported and has a chance to be heard and their emotions validated, healing can begin.

  • Impacts of family DNA discoveries

    DNA surprises can:

    -disrupt your idea of the past

    -make you question everything you held as the "truth"

    -change your image of a person (whether living or deceased)

    -disrupt your everyday life and thoughts

    -create strains in relationships

    -lead to hurt feelings

    -lead to confusion about the behaviors or words of someone else

    -reveal difficult decisions that have to be made

    -lead to conversations that until now you were able to avoid

    -lead you to reassess your personal values and how your values align with a spouse, child, sibling, and other people in your life

    -can come at a time when other life stressors make it difficult to respond well

  • Unexpectedly Becoming the Support Person

    When it is the other person in your marriage, partnership, or relationship whose world is rocked, it can be hard to know how to help. If you are a person who likes to take action and fix things when something goes wrong, it can be upsetting to not know how to fix the situation. You might also be experiencing your own emotional journey.

    Everyone reacts to surprise discoveries in different ways, and some people may not have a need to heal. Sometimes discoveries hold joy and relief. Every story and every situation is unique, and everyone has needs that are important to notice and address.

    After a life-altering event, step back and take stock of your life and what has happened. Realize adjusting to change takes time, and that's okay. Give yourself the time and space you need to find some stability before reacting.

    Writing is Healing is one way to explore your feelings about what just happened. Find other resources at www.watersheddna.com/resources.

Course Reviews

Writing has been helping me process all the thoughts and feelings that swim around in my head.

— prior participant in 'Writing is Healing'

The writing has given me an effective process to better understand myself, the people I love and how I got to where I am in life.

— prior participant in 'Writing is Healing'