DNA Discovery, Adoptees, ROH Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams DNA Discovery, Adoptees, ROH Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams

“I have uncovered skeletons in every family tree I have worked on.”

John’s story starts with a personal medical crisis leading to a decision to search for information about his biological parentage. It ends with him embracing the truth of his biological origins, a situation that many others in the same shoes have struggled to accept because of society’s stigma around conceptions between parents who are related to each other.

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NPE, Family Search, DNA Surprise Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams NPE, Family Search, DNA Surprise Brianne Kirkpatrick Williams

“If My Dad’s Not My Biological Father, Then Who Is?”

More people every day are discovering unexpected news about their parentage as a result of consumer DNA tests. As a licensed and certified genetic counselor specializing in ancestry testing, I have more and more people reach out to me wondering could it be true my dad’s not my dad? If so, then who IS?

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